has vacancies for mid-level and senior journalists at its Mumbai and Delhi offices. is India’s most widely read and influential source of news and opinion on MBA, management education and business schools sector. boasts of more than 700,000 unique visitors per month, 12 million page views, 500,000+ community members and more than 3.3+ million articles.
The job will involve creating a deep, analytical, impactful and accessible online newspaper on Management Education using the highest standards of journalism in one of the best work environments of the country. Given the popularity and reach of PaGaLGuY, what you write will be read by practically everyone associated with management education in India.

The job is to report on and intelligently analyse the management education scene in India and the world and write it in a way that PaGaLGuY readers can use to make smarter decisions about their education.

You will be required to travel extensively to MBA hubs and business schools across the country, create and expand a network of contacts among B-school professors, Deans, students, recruiters, entrepreneurs and everybody else who matters in the management education industry and report on issues that count. 
If you think you fit the bill, send in your resumes to Before that make sure you read up on us, especially on our hiring process.

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